Over time, I've gotten more into these with the CDM1250/1550 and other waris series radios. I've not seen any of the European ones, but I've been working with the US versions for FM service in ham radio.
What I've found is the radios features are determined by the "codeplug" settings. This is simply a packed (hex) data written into the eeprom chip of the radio containing tuning, feature and programing data. This is the same area the programing data from CPS is written in, but CPS is unable to change it. The majority of modification of these radios to amateur service is done with modifications to the codeplug. The codeplug layout appears to be the same for most US versions of the radios, but there are some which are different.
Us Waris Codeplug Tool Rar
Download File: https://urlca.com/2vGh5G
Note I got a GP340 in LB2 when I was in Germany. As they use the euro CPS for 5 tone I wanted to get it going as a US version with MDC and newer firmware. The 5 tone HT's all use 512k flash memory, not the 128k of the HT750/1250 (1550 is 512k), and I was able to flash it using the unofficial kit, then put a default codeplug in it. It took me trying a couple default codeplugs to find one that works. After this I flashed it to R05.18.01 using the normal tools.
Note that if you want to use this Binary file and have the tuning piers set, you'll need to retune the radio. The other option is to take your tuning data and modify it. This can be done via waris.py or by using the data below
To use these files, decide how you want to do it, ie preserve your tuning data or not. As you're moving the tuning piers, you have to retune anyways, so I would use Codeplug tool and write the entire binary codeplug in, then retune. However many people don't want to do this, and you can just merge your radio, and write it from 0x280-end, preserving the tuning area.
I've found the Prolific and FTDI serial adapters to work fine with the RIB for flashing/cptool. However the Prolific adapters have an issue in CPS unless they run the right version of the driver,
The US Waris unofficial upgrade kit is something that was built by possibly a internal Motorola programmer, or a hack based off the official upgrade kit. Using this tool you can load any of the images on any radio, but you must ensure the image selected is the same size as the flash chip. Note this tool requires all images and default codeplugs as srecord format.
The official upgrade kit includes default codeplugs, firmware images and boot images. These are in an encrypted format, and it appears the unofficial kit has decoded these as the included codeplugs/firmware.
Using Chirp is the way to do it and you can change everything. I typically set the signaling bits to FF enabling all signaling supported, but some radios may not work with this. Always read the radio and save the data before making changes. The data file format is the same binary on the radio EEPROM and use by cptool.
Read the radio using the CP tool and save the binary codeplug. I typically will read this from 0x0000 to 0x1000 which will capture the entire default codeplug (Tuning, Features, and Programing). Save this file and set is aside for safe keeping. If anything goes wrong, you can blow it back into the radio and restore it to defaults with out needing to retune.
Open this file with the CP tool and put 0x280 to 0x2ff into the radio, no need to write the entire file. This makes it easy to do many units at once, just blow the Feature Block in, while leaving the tuning and programing alone.
The basic issue with modifying these radios to cover down to 440 by only adjusting the High & [[#Low FrequencyLow] Frequency settings in the feature region of the codeplug is the tuning for deviation/squelch/signaling/etc. is setup on 7 frequencies. When the radio tunes between two of these frequencies the value is interpolated based on the curve of the tuning values. For example deviation response will vary from 450 to 520 MHz, the same voltage at 450 will be an unacceptable amount of deviation at 520.
The Front Pad Programming (Edit Mode/FPP) was an option on the 1550, but required a special government only battery. Recently I was able to work on the firmware and jump over this check. The crux of this is you cannot upgrade firmware without losing this, but as R05.18.01 is the last firmware made for the 4 line models, this shouldn't be an issue. You will need to use the US Waris Firmware Flashtool from the unofficial lab kit and the firmware image below.
The setting is not linear. Below is what I've found in the default code plugs. Note the series here is the CDM (25) or the CM (50). Tested means it's not a number that appears in the default codeplugs, but what I got. Power is in watts displayed in the CPS info screen. I don't have this for all the values here.
Not sure what this does, but I encountered a UHF R1 HT model H25RDH9DP5, that was 0xCC78 and it would not load the codeplug from a H25RDH9DP9 HT with everything in the FDB being the same other than the source CP was 0xCE79.
The radio is basically impossible to brick, but the Motorola upgrade tools are notorious for fucking up and leaving you with a dead radio. What's worse, is the official Motorola upgrader has no way to restart a failed upgrade. The Motorola tool must be able to read the code plug first, if it can't, it won't upgrade it. Motorola did this to prevent you from flashing radios to different models (MDC to 5 tone, etc), and the official tool installs a new default codeplug, they wanted to keep you from doing all the fun stuff we can now do in the feature database, by flashing a different default code plug on it.
Assuming your radio is truly flash dead, you'll need to reprogram this using the US waris kit. This will allow you to load any firmware on any radio. Simply select the right firmware file and flash it.
These codeplugs are binary and have been edited for no serial number, 255 channels, 25-20-12.5 KHz deviation and signaling.Note when writing them using the CP tool you need to write 0x280-0x2ff. If you write the entire codeplug, you'll fuck up your radio. If you fuck it up, rewite your backup (you do have a backup, right?).
Waris-Binary-Codeplugs.tar.bz2 - all the Waris default codeplugs from the upgrade kits converted to binary. You can open it CPS using the bin2srec converter after changing the region to 0x01 and recomputing the checksum. This is all kinds of useful.
It's important when reading a codeplug from a tool using Codeplug Tool you must read the radio from 0x0000-3FFF the 16kbytes. By default it only reads 0x0000-03FF or the first 1024 bytes. If you want to make a complete backup you need the entire code plug.
CPS - UPGRADE, LAB & MODIFIED TOOLS:ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS FIRMWARE ASP DVN4101SASTRO SPECTRA PLUS FIRMWARE ASP DVN4101YASTRO SPECTRA ANALOG FLASHPORT UPGRADE (CVN6250P) R11.71.06 & DSP A/M08.03.05ASTRO SPECTRA DIGITAL FLASHPORT UPGRADE (CVN6360E) R11.71.06 & DSP I/N08.03.05ASTRO SABER ANALOG FLASHPORT UPGRADE (CVN6263L) R07.71.06 & DSP A/M08.03.05ASTRO SABER DIGITAL FLASHPORT UPGRADE (CVN6251N) R07.71.06 & DSP I/N08.03.05MT1500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 CVN (CVN6364G) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSMT1500 FIRMWARE CVN (CVN6364N).MT1500 FIRMWARE CVN (CVN6364R). NEW!PM1500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 CVN (DVN4183J) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSPM1500 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4183W). NEW!PR1500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 CVN (DVN4113S) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSPR1500 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4113T).PR1500 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4223D). NEW!SSE5500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 CVN (CVN6362F) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSSSE5500 FIRMWARE CVN (CVN6362K).SSE5500 FIRMWARE CVN (CVN6362P). NEW!XTL1500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 CVN (DVN4129S) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSXTL1500 FIRMWARE DVN (DVN4222A)XTL1500 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4222D). NEW!XTL2500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 CVN (DVN4125Q) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSXTL2500 FIRMWARE DVN (DVN4224A)XTL2500 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4224D). NEW!XTL5000 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 DVN (DVN1387L)XTL5000 FIRMWARE DVN (DVN1387T)XTL5000 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN1387W). NEW!XTS1500 FIRMWARE CVN (CVN6363P)XTS1500 FIRMWARE CVN (CVN6363T). NEW!XTS2500 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 DVN (DVN4136P) ALSO CONTAINS R09.00.05 FOR 4 MEG RADIOSXTS2500 FIRMWARE DVN (DVN4136Y)XTS2500 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4228B). NEW!XTS3000 FLASHPORT (DNV6236S) UPGRADE R07.71.06 & DSP I/N08.03.05.XTS3000 ANALOG FLASHPORT UPGRADE (CVN6257M) R07.71.06 & DSP A/M08.03.05XTS5000 FIRMWARE R09.00.05 DVN (DVN4109S)XTS5000 FIRMWARE R10.00.00 DVN (DVN4109U)XTS5000 FIRMWARE DVN (DVN4225B)XTS5000 FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4225E). NEW!XTS5000 ASP FIRMWARE CVN (DVN4227B). NEW!batwig flashcode decoder v1.86 xtx mcs mtsRWC SOFTTOOL Caption Codeplug Tool for Waris Radios. NEW!Astro Saber and Astro Spectra and Astro 25 Control Head Sync (Astro_25_CH_AF.cvn) 2009.NEW!Astro Saber and Astro Spectra and Astro 25 Control Head Sync (Astro_25_CH_AG.cvn) 2009. NEW!XTL5000 Consolette TRC Firmware Update (Windows) WiPLASH TRC R02 03XTL5000 Consolette TRC Firmware Update (Windows) WiPLASH TRC R02 04ASTRO 25 Portable Depot Tool R07.00.00. ( -Immersible XTS-2500 (XTS-2500i)-Model 1 with Display for the XTS-1500 and MT-1500 -Rebanding Models -B Model Platform ) & ASTRO 25 Tuner R04.01.00. NEW!2009 JUNE, NEW ASTRO P25 FIRMWARE NEW!:ASP_DVN4227C.cvnMT1500_CVN6364S.cvnPM1500_DVN4183Y.cvnPR1500_DVN4223E.cvnSSE5000_CVN6362R.cvnXTL1500_DVN4222E.cvnXTL2500_DVN4224E.cvnXTL5000_DVN1387Y.cvnXTS1500_CVN6363U.cvnXTS2500_DVN4228C.cvnXTS5000_DVN4225F.cvnCommercial Series Radio Firmware & Update Kit:Mobile Firmware Kit R03.00.03 with Codeplug R03.00Mobile Firmware Kit R03.00.05 with Codeplug R04.00Mobile Firmware Kit R03.01.00 with Codeplug R05.01Mobile Firmware Kit R03.02.00 with Codeplug R05.01Mobile Firmware Kit R03.03.04 with Codeplug R06.02Mobile Firmware Kit R04.00.02 with Codeplug R07.01, 2008. NEW!Portable Firmware Kit R03.00.01 with Codeplug R03.00Portable Firmware Kit R03.01.00 with Codeplug R05.01Portable Firmware Kit R03.01.01 with Codeplug R05.02Portable Firmware Kit R03.02.07 with Codeplug R06.01Portable Firmware Kit R03.03.03 with Codeplug R06.01. 2008. NEW!Upgrade Kit R04.01.02 with CP R05.01 for Ministry Of Railway Radios. (07-Feb-2007), (GP3688 AZ).Upgrade Kit R04.01.04 with CP R05.01 for Ministry Of Railway Radios. (2008), (GP3688 AZ).Upgrade Kit R04.03.04 with CP R05.04 for Ministry Of Railway Radios. (2008), (GP3688 AZ).COMMERCIAL RADIOS PATCH TOOL FOR CODEPLUG CORRUPTION R01.00.00. 14-FEB-2008. NEW!Unofficial Waris Piranha Marlin firmwarekit for the non select5 models. Unofficial US Waris Lab Upgradekit(R02.08.00). AG 22. R02.08.00. 14-Jan-2009. NEW!Commercial Series Portable CP185:Entry Level Radio Upgrade Kit R01.01. 17. FEBRUARY. 2009. (FOR: APAC-CP476-CP477-CP1300-CP1600-CP1660, EMEA-P160, P180, LACR-EP350, NAG-CP185). NEW!Commercial Series 5 tone CM340-360 Upgrade Tool:R03.07.00. 2004R03.08.09. 2006R03.08.11.R03.09.03. JANUARY 2009. NEW!Commercial Series 5 tone C340-360-380 Upgrade Tool:R01.09.03. 02 JANUARY 2008Professional Series:D02.00.00 04 NOV 2006 US WARIS LABD03.00.00a 03-may-2000 prof labtoolD03.00.03 09-aug-2006 prof labtoolD03.02.00 18 NOV 2006 US WARIS LABD03.02.05 15-DEC-2006 prof labtoolDEPOT TOOL FOR PROFESSIONAL RADIOS R01.00.00 (cracked no dongle needed)DEPOT TOOL FOR PROFESSIONAL RADIOS R01.04.00Inofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade AG 10a R02.00.01 12-Jan-2008Inofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade AG 10b R02.01.00 04-Apr-2008 GERMANInofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade AG 10a R02.03.01 17-May-2008. NEW!Inofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade AG 10b R02.03.01 17-May-2008 GERMAN. NEW!Inofficial US Waris Lab Upgrade AG 22 R02.04.08 28-Jan-2008Inofficial US Waris Lab Upgrade AG 22 R02.06.01. 31-Jul-2008.Unofficial US Waris Lab Firmware/Codeplugkit Waris/Piranha/Marlin firmwarekit for the non select5 models AG 22. R02.08.00. 14-Jan-2009.Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models with ESN Tool(english language). Unofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade Kit. AG 11a. R03.00.00. 19-Apr-2009.Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models with ESN Tool(english language). Unofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade Kit. AG 11a. R03.00.01. 21-Apr-2009.Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models with ESN Tool(german language). Inoffizielles EU Waris Lab Upgrade Kit. AG 11b. R03.00.00. 19-Apr-2009.Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models with ESN Tool(english language). Unofficial EU Waris Lab Upgrade Kit. AG 11a. R03.02.00. 25-May-2009. NEW!Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models with ESN Tool(german language). Inoffizielles EU Waris Lab Upgrade Kit. AG 11b. R03.02.00. 25-May-2009. NEW!GP3FU(R03.08.08SP) Upgradetool for converted GP1280 (to pseudo GP380)GP3FU(R03.09.05SP) Upgradetool for converted GP1280 (to pseudo GP380)GP3FU(R03.10.03SP) Upgradetool for converted GP1280 (to pseudo GP380)GP3FU(R03.11.02SP) 12 MAY 2008 Upgradetool for converted GP1280 (to pseudo GP380)GP3FU(R03.12.02SP) 03 DEC 2008 Upgradetool for converted GP1280 (to pseudo GP380). NEW!Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit EU Waris(R01.00.00)Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit EU Waris(R01.02.01)Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit US Waris(D02.00.00)Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit US Waris(D03.00.00)Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit US Waris(D03.02.00)Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit US Waris(R01.01.21)AUG-2006Lab Firmware-Codeplugkit US Waris(R02.04.04)Lab Firmware mit Codeplugs GP3xx(R03.04.00C)Lab Firmware mit CodeplugsCM3xx(R03.07.00)Lab Firmware mit CodeplugsGM3xx(ENVN4026H)Lab Firmware mit CodeplugsGP3xx(ENVN4019A)Lab Firmware mit CodeplugsGP3xx(ENVN4019S-ENVN4019T)Lab Firmware mit CodeplugsGP6xx-GP12xx(ENVN4018O-ENVN4018T)Lab Firmware und Codeplugs gm & gp june 2004Professional Series Radio Firmware Kit:Mobile Firmware Kit R05.05.22Mobile Firmware kit R05.05.04 and Codeplug Upgrade ToolMobile Firmware Kit R05.05.17Mobile Firmware Kit R05.05.19Mobile Firmware Kit R05.06.04Mobile Firmware Kit R05.08.02 (23-Sept-2008). NEW!MobileRadioFirmwareR05-02-03-ATanapaUpgradeKitMobileRadioFirmwareR05-02-03-CTanapaUpgradeKitPortable Firmware Kit R05.09.13 - Non Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.09.15 - Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.10.05 - Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.10.05 - Non Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.10.05 four line display & non four line displayPortable Firmware Kit R05.11.03 - Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.11.03 - Non Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.11.05 - Non Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.12.02 - Four Lines DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.13.04 - Four Line DisplayPortable Firmware Kit R05.13.09 - Four Line Display (21 APRIL 2008)Portable Firmware Kit R05.14.00 - Four Line Display (24-Sept-2008)Portable Firmware Kit R05.14.03 - Four Line Display. NEW!Portable Firmware Kit R05.13.04 - Non Four Line Display (28 Sept 2008). NEW!Portable Firmware Kit R05.14.00 - Non Four Lines DisplayProfessional Mobile Radio R04.01.18 UpgradeProfessional Mobile Radio R05.01.00 UpgradeProfessional Mobile Radio R05.02.03 UpgradeUpgrade Kit 51R07182A01R0300 for R01.XX.XX to R04.00.01Upgrade Kit 51R07183A01R0202 for R02.XX.XX or R03.XX.XX to R03.01Upgrade Kit 51R07183A01R0300 for R02.XX.XX or Higher to R04.00.01Upgrade Kit 51R07183A01R0700 for Pop and Pref RadiosUpgrade Kit 51R07183A01R0900 for Pop and Pref RadiosUpgrade Kit for Entry Level Professional Karisma Radios:(R02.00.04) Entry Level Professional Radio Firmware/Codeplug Upgrade Kit. 2000. (P040 & P080).(R02.00.07) Firmware Codeplug Upgrade Kit. 2002. (P040 & P080).(R02.00.09) Firmware/Codeplug Upgrade Kit. 2004.R01.02 (BUILD 12) 2009. Firmware and Codeplug Upgrade Kit for: CP185, CP476, CP477, CP1300, CP1600, CP1660, P160, P165, P185, EP350 RADIOS. NEW!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------US Waris Lab Upgradekit(R02.05.01) Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models (english language).US Waris Lab Upgradekit(R02.05.01) Unofficial Waris firmwarekit for the select5 and MPT1327 models (german language).VRS750 Upgrade Kit for R04.02.00splash-sp flash r02.00.00 1996 oct 24M3 LAB D01.16.85 KEYGENERATORProfessional Series Radio Conversion Tool:Mobile Conversion Tool R05.05.19Professional Series Conventional+ LS Trunking Conversion mobileTool R05.10.05Professional Series Conventional+ LS Trunking Conversion mobileTool R05.11.05Professional Radios Waris-X Upgrade Kit:Waris-X firmware(R01.03.30) and codeplug Upgrade KitWaris-X firmware(R01.03.62) and codeplug Upgrade KitWaris-X Firmware (R01.03.66) and codeplug Upgrade KitWaris-X firmware(R01.03.64) and codeplug Upgrade KitWaris-X firmware(R01.03.68) and codeplug Upgrade KitWaris-X Firmware (R01.03.71) and Codeplug Upgrade KitWaris-X Firmware (R01.03.73) and Codeplug Upgrade Kit (02-Jul-2007)Waris-X Firmware (R01.04.01) and Codeplug Upgrade Kit (24-Oct-2008) NEW!Professional GM100 gm140 160 Series FlashGrade Tool:ENVN4004 R05.01.00 March 2002ENVN4004 R05.02.03ENVN4004 R05.03.00R05.08.02. 23-Sept-2008GM WARIS SERIES (GM300/GM340/GM339/GM360/GM380):GM300 WARIS Series Flash Grade R03.01.02GM300 WARIS Series Flash Grade v.R03.01.10. 11 Oct 2000. KIT. NO. ENVN4026A.GM300 WARIS series flash grade R03.01.27. JUNE 2001. ENVN4026F.GM300 WARIS Series Flash Grade R03.01.31. ENVN4026G.GM300 WARIS SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.01.37. 11 DEC 2001. ENVN4026H.GM300 WARIS series flash grade R03.02.00. NOV 2002, ENVN4026IGM300 WARIS SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.02.15. 10 OCT 2003. ENVN4026MGM300 WARIS SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.02.17. 12 NOV 2003. ENVN4026NGM300 Series FlashGrade Tool, R03.03.00, 22-Apr-2004, ENVN4026OGM300 Series FlashGrade Tool, R03.04.02, 27-DEC-2004, ENVN4026.GM300 Series FlashGrade Tool Release : R03.06.00 Date : 03-Oct-05 ENVN4026.GM300 Series FlashGrade Tool Release : R03.07.06 Date : 13-JUNE-06 ENVN4026.GM300 Series FlashGrade Tool Release : R03.09.05 Date : 11-APRIL-07 ENVN4026.GM300 Series FlashGrade Tool Release : R03.10.03 Date : 09-OCT-07 ENVN4026.GM300 Series FlashGrade Tool Release : R03.11.02 Date : 01-APR-08 ENVN4026.GM300 Series FlashGrade Tool Release : R03.12.03 Date : 17-Dec-2008 ENVN4026. NEW!GP WARIS SERIES:GP300 Series Flash Grade R01.00.20. 23 April 1999. ENVN4019A.GP300 Series Flash Grade R02.00.27. 16 Nov 1999. ENVN4019E.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.00.30. 21 Jul 2000. ENVN4019H.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.01.25. 26 April 2001. English. ENVN4019P.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.01.27. 29 May 2001. English ENVN4019Q.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.01.31. 14 Sept 2001. English ENVN4019R.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.01.37. 11 Dec 2001. ENVN4019S.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.02.00. 25 Oct 2002. ENVN4019T.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.02.15. 10 oct 2003. ENVN4019X.GP300 Series Flash Grade R03.03.00. 22 MARCH 2004. ENVN4019Y.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.04.00. 13 OCT 2004. ENVN4019Z.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.04.00C. 27 DEC 2004. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.06.00. 03-Oct-05. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.07.05. 29 MAY 2006. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.07.08. 24 JUL 2006. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.08.08. 00. OCT 2006. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.09.07. 25-Jun-2007. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.10.03. 00. 10 OCT 2007. ENVN4019.GP300 SERIES FLASH GRADE R03.11.02. 00. 01 APRIL 2008. ENVN4019.GP320/GP330/GP340/GP360/GP380/GP346/GP386/GP344R/GP388R/GP366R Series Upgrade Kit R03.12.03 with CP R03.12.00 for Waris 5T Portable Radios. 15-Oct-2008. NEW!GP300 5 TONE SERIES FLASHGRADE TOOL FOR GP1280/HT1550 FLASHED WITH 3XX FIRMWARE. R03.10.03SP. 20-NOV-2007. NEW!GP328 & GP338 SPECIAL UHF1 PATCHER. (This tool extends the current UHF Band1 upper frequency limit to 480MHz for the GP328/338 Waris Conventional Professional Portable Radio.) NEW!MPT SERIES:MPT-MPS WARIS Series Upgrade Kit for: PTX760 portables. v.R02.01.00. 51R07238A01R0100. 30 Jan 2001.MPT-MPS WARIS Series Upgrade Kit for: PTX760 portables. v.R03.00.02. 51R07238A01R0200.29 Aug 2001.Upgrade Kit R04.02.02 for MPS Chinese Professional Radios. 5-Sep-2006. (PTX760 MPT SERIES).Upgrade Kit R04.02.02 for MPS English Professional Radios. 5-Sep-2006. (PTX760 MPT SERIES).Upgrade Kit R04.02.07 for MPS English Professional Radios. 21-Jun-2007. (PTX760 MPT SERIES).MPT-MPS WARIS SERIES PATCHTOOL-CORRECT CLOCK SHIFT. D01.01.06, GMQN1005-, 13 FEBRUARY 2003.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.00.20. JUN 2001. ENVN4018N. GP640/680/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.00.22. OCT 2001. ENVN4018O. GP640/680/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.02.00. JUNE 2004. ENVN1018U. GP640/680/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.04.00. SEPT 2005. GP640/680/1280/644/688.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.06.04. 23 OCT 2007. GP640/680/1280/644/688.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.07.04. 10 APRIL 2008. GP640/680/1280/644/688.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.07.05. 29 JULY 2008. GP640/680/1280/644/688. NEW!MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.00.20. JUN2001. ENVN4027D. GM640/680/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.00.22. OCT 2001. ENVN4027E. GM640/660/1280MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.01.00. NOV 2002. ENVN4027F. GM640/660/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.01.16. OCT 2003. GM640/660/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.02.00. JUNE 2004. ENVN4027K. GM640/660/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.06.00. SEPT 2004. GM640/660/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.06.04. 18 OCT 2007. GM640/660/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.07.04. 10 APRIL 2008. GM640/660/1280.MPT WARIS FLASH GRADE TOOL R02.07.05. 29 JULY 2008. GM640, 660, 1280. NEW!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROFESSIONAL RADIOS MANDOWN OPTION BOARD:MANDOWN OPTION BOARD OSS. R01.01.01. 11-JAN-2001. ENLN4150A.AEX610 ATEX MANDOWN OPTION BOARD OSS v1.05. (WARIS GP3XX/GM3XX RADIOS).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DTR DIGITAL RADIO FLASH TOOLS:DTR550 FLASH R02.00 FIRMWARE R5E.06.00. 2008. NEW!DTR650 FLASH R02.00 FIRMWARE R5E.06.00. 2008. NEW! 2ff7e9595c